We train and send out Christ Fellowship Global Workers, as well as support Global Workers that align with our strategy. We provide Global Worker families a portion of their financial support, along with regular prayers and other tangible tools to aid their ministries. It’s a privilege to have such a dynamic relationship with our Global Workers, and we want everyone at Christ Fellowship to personally know them and pray for them, too!
These Global Workers are trained and sent by Christ Fellowship to China and Uganda. Their support links below will take you to Catalysts International which serves as their financial "back office." Last names are hidden for the protection of those working in closed countries.
Jay & Teri
Paul & Cheryl
Floyd & Tamra Stanley
These Global Workers call Christ Fellowship their home church, serve the Lord vocationally, and align with our strategy. Their support links below will take you directly to their mission organization web site where their account resides. Last names are hidden for the protection of those working in closed countries.
René & Jennifer Aguirre
Katie Arnold
Jolene & Jim Balazs
Dave & Judy Buckert
Don & Deanne Closson
Brian & Debbie Considine
Dave & Kathi
Kevin & Colleen Green
Dave & Kathi
Chris Kaupp
Dave & Marilyn Kenaga
Don & Lindsey Luttrell
Kristin Sale
Vince & Autumn Walsh
Larry & Cheri Watts
Jon & Mary Woodruff
Are you interested in being a Global Worker?
Join us the 3rd Sunday of each month, 9-9:50 am in Room 170 to pray for our global workers around the globe.
René and Jennifer have been members of Christ Fellowship since 2008.
InterVarsity’s vision is to see students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed. InterVarsity exists to establish and advance at colleges and universities witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus: growing in love for God, God’s Word, God’s people of every ethnicity and culture and God’s purposes in the world. René and Jennifer minister to students and faculty through small group Bible studies, large gatherings on campus, leadership training, thoughtful discipleship and life-changing conferences and events.
As the National Associate LaFe Director, René currently supervises and mentors latino staff across the country, leads a staff team responsible for a national student conference, and collaborates with other senior leaders in strengthening and growing the latino ministry in InterVarsity.
To support René & Jennifer visit: donate.intervarsity.org/donate#1446
Katie has been a member of Christ Fellowship since 1999.
Katie is currently serving with ReachGlobal (EFCA). ReachGlobal exists to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people. They are praying that God would grant ReachGlobal 1 million disciplemakers impacting 100 million people with the gospel and to see the transformation of 100 Acts 19 locations globally.
From 2004-2010, Katie was a global worker in Chengdu, China. She facilitated short-term teams, helped open High Connections Coffee House, came alongside house church leaders, led a team of global workers and oversaw a post-earthquake outreach effort. Katie now lives in Minneapolis, MN and works at ReachGlobal’s national office. Katie’s role is to evaluate, equip and coach global workers to serve in various places all over the world.
To support Katie visit bit.ly/givetoKatie
Jolene is currently serving with e3 Partners Ministry. e3 Partners ministry exists to equip and mobilize the Church to evangelize God’s world by establishing multiplying transformative churches to the third generation that impacts lives, families and communities among all people groups, especially unreached, unengaged people, using teams, tools, and training - in partnership with international churches, groups and ministries.
Jolene, and her husband Jim, have been members of Christ Fellowship since 2010.
Since 1994, Jolene has been on 20+ short term teams to 13 countries. For 12 years she helped lead teams on evangelistic humanitarian aid missions. In 2011, Jolene took the Perspectives course. In 2012, she joined e3 Partners with the orality initiative to reach the 70% of the world’s population who don’t have access to God’s Word in their language, or who can’t understand the gospel through traditional literate methods.
To support Jolene visit e3partners.org/jolenebalazs
Dave and Judy are currently serving with Centers of Church Based Training. The Centers of Church Based Training exist to help churches develop an intentional pathway to maturity for their people through mentoring and quality facilitation-based curricula. CCBT has partnered with 28 denominations in 30 countries to help build up the global church.
In 2007, Dave was asked to join the staff of Centers of Church Based Training as Hispanic Ministries Director. He has encouraged leadership development and networks of local churches to work together, using church-based training as the principal tool to raise up Christian leadership that will be able to impact churches around the globe with the gospel of Jesus Christ. In August of 2010, Dave became the President of CCBT. The same vision he has had as the Hispanic Director, he is carrying into his new position. He would sum up his vision for ministry in a phrase used by Paul in Philippians 4 … loyal yoke fellows.
To support Dave and Judy visit https://public.serviceu.com/DonationForm/12846/?OrgKey=5547a5ea-783e-4b71-9290-eb0b1c0039f7
By Mail: Make checks out to Catalysts International and write our designation code (DBUC-101) in the memo line. Mail checks to Catalysts International, P.O. Box 3296, McKinney, TX 75070-8185
Don and Deanne have attended Christ Fellowship since its inception. Don has served as an elder since 2000.
Don and Deanne are currently serving with Centers of Church Based Training. The Centers of Church Based Training exists to guide churches toward an intentional pathway to maturity for their people through mentoring and quality facilitation-based curricula. CCBT has partnered with 28 denominations in 30 countries to help build up the global church.
After 26 years with Probe Ministries, a Christian apologetics and biblical worldview ministry, the Lord led Don and Deanne to serve as staff members of Centers of Church Based Training in June of 2013. Don is now CCBT’s Director of Administration and a Research Associate while Deanne is the Office Manager. A portion of Don’s time is to invest in Christ Fellowship’s Equipping Ministries for Adults.
To support Don and Deanne visit https://public.serviceu.com/DonationForm/15489/?OrgKey=5547a5ea-783e-4b71-9290-eb0b1c0039f7
By Mail: Please make checks out to Catalysts International and place our designation code (DCLO-601) in the memo line. Mail checks to Catalysts International, P.O. Box 3296, McKinney, TX 75070-8185.
Brian and Debbie have been members of Christ Fellowship since 2005.
Brian and Debbie serve with e3 Partners helping to lead an exciting new initiative called e3USA, focused on reaching the unreached people groups of our cities. Through that role, Brian gives leadership to a network of local churches and organizations working together to Reach DFW.
Brian also directs Ethnic Embrace USA, mobilizing prayer nationally to bless the nations among us, as well as author of a new book - “Ethnic Embrace USA - Blessing the Nations Among Us.”
To support Brian and Debbie visit e3partners.org/TheConsidineTeam
Dave and Kathi have been members of Christ Fellowship since 2012.
Dave and Kathi currently serve with E-W Ministries International. E-W Ministries International exists to glorify God by multiplying followers of Jesus in the spiritually darkest places on earth. They mobilize the church, evangelize the lost, equip leaders and plant churches.
Dave and Kathi served at Alaska Bible College for eight years; as senior pastor of Christ Community Church in Idaho Falls, Idaho for 12 years; as senior pastor of Cypress Bible Church in Houston, TX for 10 years; and now for two years as Executive Vice-President of Field Ministries at E-W Ministries. Dave has a ThM and a DMin from Dallas Seminary.
To support Dave and Kathi email
Kevin and Colleen have been members of Christ Fellowship since 2007.
Kevin and Colleen currently serve with FamilyLife. FamilyLife’s purpose is to reach people for Jesus Christ using the platform of marriage and family. They are committed to helping people know and apply the biblical blueprints for maintaining a God-honoring marriage and raising children to become responsible adults. FamilyLife wants to effectively develop godly marriages and families who change the world one home at a time.
Kevin and Colleen moved to McKinney in 2007 so Kevin could attend Dallas Theological Seminary with the intent of returning to pastoring; however, God had other plans. Kevin and Colleen attended a Weekend to Remember during this time and felt God directing them toward marriage and family ministry. After graduation, it became very clear God was calling them as missionaries with FamilyLife, a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. In 2011 they began the journey of raising support and in 2013 came on as regional staff in the DFW area as Ministry Advisors with FamilyLife.
To support Kevin and Colleen visit give.ccci.org/give/0638519
The Cru Inner City ministry is working to transform communities. The mission is to serve and mobilize the church to live out God’s heart for the poor, so all can grow in Christ to build spiritual movements everywhere.
Chris is using a three-pronged approach connecting, empowering and developing programs to resource families who are living with the devastating effects of poverty. Five unique outreaches with churches in the Dallas inner city are done each year. She is also involved in an ongoing community development ministry in the east side of McKinney.
Chris has been on staff with Cru for 29 years. Her first four years on staff were ministering to students on the college campus. For ten years she directed the Athletes in Action tennis ministry. Over 14 teams were sent out using the platform of tennis to share Christ all over the world. Chris has also lived overseas in Sydney, Australia for three years pioneering a women’s sports ministry with Athletes in Action.
To support Chris visit give.cru.org/0367263
David and Marilyn have been members of Christ Fellowship since 2007.
David and Marilyn currently serve with T4Global. T4 Global crafts Christ-centered evangelistic, discipleship, humanitarian or pastor training for oral cultures. By developing and distributing culture sensitive audio recordings, T4Global can accomplish transformation that conveys truth and offers context-sensitive translation, recognizing trust is core to communication using appropriate technology.
David and Marilyn ministered with Global Aid Network, the humanitarian arm of Campus Crusade for Christ from 2007 through 2011. Water, sanitation and hygiene were their main focus on various mission trips to approximately ten countries. They currently minister at T4Global, converting literate biblical, water, health, sanitation and hygiene information into songs, stories, dramas, poems, proverbs, etc., so that oral learners can hear in their own language the Good News of Jesus Christ and learn the truth about clean water, health and hygiene.
To support David and Marilyn visit t4global.org/partner-with-us/financial-partner
Don and Lindsey have been members of Christ Fellowship since 2007. They currently live in Georgia serving with Go To Nations and will soon be making a permanent move to Honduras to raise food for feeding programs and support existing ministries throughout the country.
Go To Nations is a missions sending agency that is passionate about sharing the gospel with every living person on the planet. They have a burning desire to take the truth of Jesus Christ’s redeeming love to the lost, hurting and broken, and to see that love transform their lives.
The Luttrells are setting out to multiply God’s kingdom and fight malnutrition and poverty through the education and development of sustainable agriculture. By teaching those that will teach others they can effectively build up disciples who can share the good news of Christ and build sustainable living environments from which whole communities can benefit. They believe that God’s creation is perfect and abundant and with proper education, no one should ever have to go without.
To support Don and Lindsey visit gotonations.org/theluttrells
Paul and Cheryl have been living and working in China since August of 2000. They have four children, ages 17 to 6. Paul has a Bachelors of Science in chemical engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology, and a Masters of Divinity from Biblical Theological Seminary. Cheryl’s undergrad degree is in Chemistry from Houghton College, and she graduated from Robert Wood Johnson Medical School with an M.D. She is a licensed family physician. In 2005, Paul launched a platform consulting company which works to transform centers of influence which transform communities.
The business platform is making an impact in the areas of family medicine, education, senior care, and Church-based training.
To support Paul and Cheryl visit https://public.serviceu.com/DonationForm/12842/?OrgKey=5547a5ea-783e-4b71-9290-eb0b1c0039f7
By Mail: Please make checks out to Catalysts International and place our designation code (PDEM-301) in the memo line. Mail checks to Catalysts International, P.O. Box 3296, McKinney, TX 75070.
Kristin has been a member of Christ Fellowship since 2010.
Kristin currently serves at Campus Christian Fellowship. CCF is an interdenominational ministry at Whatcom Community College. College is a strategic time where many young people make decisions that hugely impact who they will be for the rest of their lives. CCF’s purpose is to meet students in every stage of life and equip them to find and follow Jesus to their fullest potential.
During her time in college Kristin experienced great freedom and growth as she participated in community and surrendered her life to Jesus. It was the Lord’s leading that she started work with CCF as an intern. Since then Kristin has stepped onto staff and never doubted she was exactly where God has asked her to serve: on a college campus helping people find, encounter, and explore the heart of Jesus. Kristin is going into her third year of ministry.
To support Kristin visit ccfministry.com/support
Floyd and Tamra have been members of Christ Fellowship since 2006.
Floyd and Tamra currently serve with Christ Fellowship through Catalysts International, a non-governmental organization dedicated to assisting global workers who facilitate social, intellectual, and ethical support services to individuals, communities and partner organizations in key locations around the world.
Floyd and Tamra’s involvement in Uganda began with a short term trip in 2010 and never ended. They are now preparing to move to Uganda long term to continue working with Pastor Makumbi Johnson and Victory Living Word Church. They will live and serve on the land in Kapeeka, Nakasake to develop a village. The long term vision includes a home for orphans, all level schools, a trade school, a clinic, a home for unwed mothers, business development, and more.
To support Floyd and Tamra visit bit.ly/stanleysupport
To support the orphanage/land project visit bit.ly/UgandaHouse
By Mail: Please make checks out to Catalysts International and place our designation code (FSTA-201) in the memo line. Mail checks to Catalysts International, P.O. Box 3296, McKinney, TX 75070.
Autumn has been a member of Christ Fellowship since its founding.
Vince and Autumn currently serve at CRU at Stephen F. Austin. CRU exists so that every student will know someone who truly follows Jesus.
Vince and Autumn have been on staff with CRU for the past seven years. They have been married for six years. Vince went to Steven F. Austin, and Autumn attended Baylor.
To support Vince and Autumn visit sfaministry.blogspot.com
Larry and Cheri Watts have been members of Christ Fellowship since 2002 and serve with HISNature Television Ministries.
Research shows that children ages 8-14 are under intense spiritual attack. Media is the primary delivery method that atheists, cults and secular humanists and others use to harm the faith of children during their most vulnerable years. The research verifies that skepticism about the Bible and Christianity is rampant at the 5th grade level.
HNTV Ministries is creating apologetic and faith-protecting resources to assist the Church in its mission to raise up children with a strong biblically-based faith and worldview. Two primary tools are being produced. “Tech Trackers,” a 30 minute live-action “crime genre” television series is designed to reach children who go to church as well as those who have no exposure to christianity. “Truth Tips” are two to four minute “conversations” by individual cast members to expand on the episodic content as they give children reasons to believe.
While entertaining, Tech Trackers is more accurately a global missionary strategy speaking the “language” of its mission field and using their preferred means of communication: media.
To support Larry and Cheri visit hisnature.org
Jay and Teri have been members of Christ Fellowship since 1997.
Jay and Teri currently serve with Christ Fellowship through Catalysts International. Catalysts International is a non-governmental organization dedicated to assisting global workers who facilitate social, intellectual and ethical support services to individuals, communities and partner organizations in key locations around the world.
Their interest in missions began in 2002 after Jay went on his first ever short-term trip. Jay was particularly interested in work focused on the unreached people of the world, specifically the 10/40 Window and China. Jay remembers wondering “Why isn’t Christ Fellowship involved in any mission work in China?”, and it seemed like right then and there, Christ Fellowship decided to begin a strategic focus in China. After a series of short-term trips they decided to pursue long-term ministry. Jay and Teri, along with their three daughters, have been living and working in China since late 2007. Jay and Teri are members of a team working together in a platform consulting company. They work together with a common vision to transform centers of influence which transform communities. Their strategy is to focus on the areas in which they are passionate and have skills: healthcare, education, family, and church.
To support Jay and Teri visit https://public.serviceu.com/DonationForm/12840/?OrgKey=5547a5ea-783e-4b71-9290-eb0b1c0039f7
By Mail: Please make checks out to Catalysts International and place our designation code (JWHI-303) in the memo line. Mail checks to Catalysts International, P.O. Box 3296, McKinney, TX 75070-8185
Jon and Mary have been members of Christ Fellowship since 1998.
Jon and Mary currently serve with East-West Ministries International. East-West seeks to mobilize the body of Christ to evangelize the lost and equip local believers to multiply disciples and healthy churches among unreached peoples and/or in restricted access areas.
In February 1976, Jon (a senior at North Texas State University) rededicated his life to Christ through the witness of a college co-ed. His life turned around that evening, and over the next year he began to sense a “holy restlessness” in his spirit as he worked in the wholesale food industry. He felt God’s call to ministry. Over the next 34 years, Jon worked with Campus Crusade for Christ to help plan, train, and lead over 11,000 short term mission participants to several countries. In early 2011, Jon joined the team at East-West to help partner US churches with the foreign mission field through short term mission teams. Using personal evangelism, Jon and his teams work with national believers to share Christ and plant house churches in areas where no church has ever existed or in areas where restrictions limit the freedom of believers. In some countries, the teams incorporate orphan ministry into their misson.
To support Jon and Mary visit eastwest.org/woodruffdonate